About Us

Who are we?

We are mothers, parenting our children from diverse locations, educations, religions, incomes, countries, and experiences. We have been drawn together by expecting children due in December of 2012. We are of different ages and experiences. We have large families and small, in committed relationships, and single moms. We work, and we stay home. We have breastfed, bottle fed, and supplemented, cloth diapered and use disposables. We babywear and use strollers. We hike, we work out, and we vegetate with Netflix. We cross nearly every parenting demographic, and have remained each other's support system and friends.

We 'met', so to speak, on a pregnancy/parenting forum online. Through our respective pregnancies, and the subsequent years of parenting those children, we have formed close relationships among each other. Whenever you bring naturally hormonal women into a room, especially those of such varied backgrounds, you are bound to have conflict. However, we have been able to bond together, and instead of judging those differences, we celebrate them, using them to build each other up, to counsel each other, and to broaden our communal perspectives.

Why the "Village"? 

A 'village' is defined as "a :  a settlement usually larger than a hamlet and smaller than a town; 2. The residents of a village" by Merriam-Webster. In times past, families in these small towns would support one another. Their children would play. Women would congregate, helping with chores, cooking, and motherly duties. Back in days when women did not work outside the home, but cared for home and hearth, this congregational living allowed for both independence, and support. In today's world, we lack these relationships. Even when living close, people are no longer supportive of one another. We, as mothers, are common in our desire to have that supportive environment, but lacking the circumstances. We are fortunate, in this day and age, to have access to women across the world through the advent of the internet. While being connected, we share the emotional burdens of the other members, we share and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas freely among each other. 

Through the years, our growing families have caused outward stress, as growing families often do. Friendships change, and some fade. Family dynamics change in the aftermath of a new child. But our groups tendency towards support has made us wish, on more than one occasion, that we lived in closer proximity to one another. Many of us are isolated, as mothers can be, and the old adage that it 'takes a village' is so true. The Village is our online tribute to that old proverb. We are a family, support, and comic relief to one another. We provide resources, commiseration, and perspective. 

How did we get here?

A short while back, one of our members proposed the idea of sharing our unique perspectives, easy communications, and ability to interact, with the world. We hope to share our experiences, our wisdom, and our bafflement in parenting and life through this blog. Some experiences may be filled with too much detail, rants, profanity, and heartbreak. But there will also be joys aplenty, laughter abounding, and, hopefully, plenty of space for you to identify. 
Ultimately, we hope you find in us the same thing we found in each other: a home. 

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